Todd DuRose

Todd DuRose

Small Business Advisor

Todd DuRose serves as a Small Business Advisor for the Hampton Roads Small Business Development Center. In this role, Todd is driven by a deep passion for empowering emerging and expanding enterprises to achieve greater success. Whether an entrepreneur is just starting out or poised to take their business to new heights, Todd and the Small Business Development Center stand ready to provide invaluable support through personalized coaching, expert advice, and strategic partner referrals.

With 25 years of marketing and marketing technology experience as well as 14 years owning an advertising agency, Bluestreak Marketing, Todd brings with him a wealth of experience and a passion to help the small business community of Hampton Roads. He believes that time is our greatest asset so we must ensure it is used wisely.

On a personal note, Todd is a proud member of the Rotary Club of Chesapeake and loves Hampton Roads because of its great availability of boating from offshore fishing to calm sailing along the intercoastal waterway.