About Us
We are the voice of business in the region as we advocate, lead, and convene to set the optimal conditions for business success. The Hampton Roads Chamber means business!

The Hampton Roads Chamber commands the most powerful position for influencing a bold future for the business community and setting the conditions for regional economic prosperity.
- Bold Leadership
- Regional Collaboration
- Commitment to Excellence
- Inclusivity
- Selfless Service
Our Culture
We Mean Business! We are the voice of business in Hampton Roads.
We are unapologetically Pro-Business, dedicated to setting the conditions for businesses to succeed.
Excellence is our standard and we are relentless in its pursuit.
Our professional staff takes results personally.
We are a champion for a thriving, diverse & inclusive region.
Working with regional community leaders in Hampton Roads, the Chamber offers a valuable resource for businesses to take action and ignite positive change.
We are a business dedicated to setting the conditions for your business to succeed.
We provide a meaningful value to our members through programs and business opportunities in Hampton Roads that enhance their ability to succeed and grow.
Our Goal
Provide a meaningful value to our members through programs and services which enhance their ability to succeed and grow their business.
Along with our staff, the Hampton Roads Chamber works with a number of volunteers and trustees to make our vision of business-to-business connections a reality.
Meet the Hampton Roads Chamber StaffVolunteer Leadership
The Hampton Roads Chamber is governed by a volunteer regional board of directors. Five Local Division Boards representing each locality served, focus on local issues. There are many more volunteers serving on the Chamber’s various committees.
Connect with LeadershipTrustee Members
The Chamber and the community benefit from the knowledge, experience, and interest of corporate CEOs and other business executives. Members at this level provide invaluable input into the direction of the Chamber, while also benefiting from broad exposure to key business leaders in the region.
Meet the Trustee MembersStrategic Partners
Strategic Partners support the Chamber’s mission by investing significant resources into the organization. Members at this level receive special recognition for their investment in supporting the Chamber’s goal to ensure the region continues to be a great place to live, work, and play.
View our Strategic Partners
Chamber Ambassadors
The Hampton Roads Chamber Ambassadors are a volunteer group of professionals from various backgrounds. They promote membership benefits and enhance goodwill to help the Hampton Roads Chamber grow in the community. Ambassadors assist in the recruitment of new members through personal contacts and encourage involvement and awareness of existing members—maximizing retention.
Meet Our AmbassadorsPartners & Affiliates
By forming partnerships, the Chamber is able to leverage our marketing efforts, services, resources, and educational support. It makes us stronger. More importantly, it makes our members stronger.
Discover Our Partners and AffiliatesFOllow Us
Strategic Partners
Thank You To Our Strategic Partners.