
Stay Up To Date with Legislative News
At the Chamber, we work very hard to be an impactful advocate, inspiring ignitor, powerful economic partner and regional collaborator. Our members’ business needs are our primary focus, and we will strive to meet those needs through our advocacy efforts. So making sure you are up to date with Legislative News is very important to us.
Here Is What We Do
Throughout the year, we advocate on behalf of our members, the business community and the region. We engage our region’s public and private sectors toward a common goal of creating conditions that help businesses succeed. We work with elected officials, municipal staff, and the Hampton Roads delegation on policy issues and initiatives that move our region forward. As the leading business organization in the region, our business-driven advocacy work has saved employers an estimated $2.5 Billion.
How Can You Be Heard?
Each year our Legislative Affairs Committee develops a survey of topics that impact the business community. We ask members to complete the survey and the committee uses the results to craft the legislative agenda for the next General Assembly session. The legislative agenda is produced by members of the Legislative Affairs Committee and is approved by the Chamber’s Board of Directors. The priorities as determined by the survey are also used to guide the day-to-day lobbying efforts at the local, state, and national levels.
How Can You Stay Up to Date on Legislative News?
- Check out our 2023 State Legislative Priorities. This publication outlines our positions on critical issues affecting the business community.
- Sign up for Legislative Affairs Emails
- Additional resources on our website include: Bills We’re Tracking, Elected Officials and Resources , 757 Chamber Alliance, and information on HRBIZPAC