Hampton Roads Transit Announces Fare Free Days on Public Transit


Hampton Roads Transit Announces Fare Free Days on Public Transit
Added on August 21, 2023 to Member News

Hampton Roads Transit Announces Fare Free Days on Public Transit

To encourage more people in our region to utilize public transportation, Hampton Roads Transit is excited to announce four upcoming dates when your constituents can ride our bus, light rail, ferry and paratransit services for free. Our Commissioners requested that we share these opportunities with member cities and key stakeholders.

These fare-free transit days have been endorsed by our Commission and are scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 (Election Day): On this day, HRT is increasing access to voting and offering your residents a free ride to the ballot box. They can experience the convenience and benefits of our public transit system by first visiting gohrt.com to plan their trip to the polls or other destination.

Monday, February 5, 2024 (Transit Equity Day): Another chance for your constituents to take advantage of a fare-free day on our transit system is on Transit Equity Day, a day of action that commemorates the importance of investing in public transportation for the benefit of all citizens. It also coincides with the birthday of civil rights icon and public transit rider Rosa Parks, which is on February 4.

Monday, April 22, 2024 (Earth Day): We encourage residents to mark their calendars for Earth Day, which offers them another chance to discover the advantages of public transit. By participating, your constituents will contribute to a greener environment and a better quality of life for all.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 (Juneteenth): This is the final fare-free date of the fiscal year, which offers free transit rides in honor of Juneteenth. We believe that by offering these opportunities, HRT is making regional mobility more equitable and inclusive.

We kindly request your support in spreading the word about these free transit days to your constituents. Your assistance will be invaluable in reaching a wider audience and ensuring optimal participation.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Alexis Majied, Chief Communications Officer at 757-222-6182 or at amajied@hrtransit.org. We look forward to continuing to work together to make our region even more vibrant and sustainable.