Member Spotlight: Senior Sitters Concierge
Business Name: Senior Sitters Concierge
Phone: (757) 559-1660
President’s Name: Quasheema Williams
President’s Title: Owner
What are your business’s core values, goals, and overall mission?
Senior Sitters Concierge offers services to senior adults in the Hampton Roads area. Our goal and mission is to help keep senior adults active while aging in place with independence and dignity.
Share some unique facts and business history? What makes your business stand out?
We are a new up and running company in the 757 that started from an idea while working in nursing homes and hospitals and hearing “he/she needs a sitter.” that is how Senior Sitters Concierge was manifested. We stand out because we aren’t a home healthcare agency/company. We are personal assistants and companions to senior adults who still want to travel and live their best life while at home. With our services they are in control of how and when they would like to receive help rather it’s a grocery store run or needing a companion for a trip out of state.
What products or services do you offer companies or individuals?
We offer lifestyle management, social management, home management, transitional care/management, respite companions, travel companions, appointment companions and vacation companions. We offer an array of services to pick and choose from. Family members can use the services as well.
What are some of the greatest obstacles and/or challenges that your business has faced? How Have you and your business overcome them?
The greatest challenges are competing with other agencies such as home health and non-medical home health agencies that offer some of the same services that we do. Most people aren’t familiar with a concierge service so most of the time is spent on educating on the differences between the two so there’s no confusion.
What accomplishments are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of bringing my business to life and getting out to promote it while still working a fulltime job and managing family life. I’m working hard to bring my concept to life.
What do you see for the future of your business?
I’d like to work with and partner with some of the non-profits and charities in the area that also work with the senior adult population. I feel once there is an understanding of what we offer and how many can benefit from our services we’ll have a bright future helping seniors to remain active at home.
Why are you a member of the Hampton Roads Chamber?
I am a member of the Hampton Roads Chamber to meet and network with different people and other small businesses. I want to be surrounded by like-minded individuals to help my growth as a business owner.