
New Honor Guard Corp Being Created at Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk, Virginia
A Community Service Opportunity to Honor and Recognize Veterans
The Memorial Honor Guard Corps at the Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery Project in Suffolk, Virginia
Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce member, MI Technical Solutions, Inc. CEO Mike Ihrig and founder of MITS-GIVES, Inc. is committed to ensuring that veterans receive full funeral honors at Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk, Virginia.
MITS-GIVES, Inc. has partnered with the Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) to establish the on-site Memorial Honor Guard Corps. The goal of the AGHMHGC is to provide honors to all who request them.
The volunteer driven Memorial Honor Guard Corps will be on-site to provide services Monday through Friday. There are no services on holidays or the weekend. All training and uniforms are provided at no cost to the volunteers. Volunteers are retired veterans and/or employees at V3 companies.
The new Memorial Honor Guard Corps building opening by Fall of 2023 will offer volunteers a remote workspace with Wi-Fi services. No experience is needed to join the Memorial Honor Guard, but a willingness to learn and support veterans and their families. The goal is to have a Squad of eight volunteers to start in November 2023 and build up to 300 volunteers in the Corps.
The new building is supported by donations and in-kind services from MI Technical Solutions, Pinnacle Group Engineering, MidAtlantic Surveying and Land Design, Inc. (MAS-LD), MSP Design Group, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Twenty-Three Alumni (NMCB 23 Alumni), Scott Richie, Floor Coverings International, Bear Concrete, Axis Group, U.S. Flags and Signals, Tuff Shed, and Thompson Creek Window Company.
The Memorial Honor Guard will honor and recognize veterans and their families who have dedicated their lives, and in many cases, made the ultimate sacrifice to our country. You are needed, join the Honor Guard.
Memorial Honor Guard in the News:
- 13News Military Support Spotlight, July 6, 2023 Link: 13News Military Support Spotlight on the Honor Guard
- Suffolk News Herald, April 28, 2023, Cemetery breaks ground for new Honor Corps Building Link: https://www.suffolknewsherald.com/2023/04/28/cemetery-breaks-ground-for-new-honor-corps-building/#
For more information and fill out an application go to:
Special Request for Additional Support:
- The Memorial Honor Guard needs more volunteers. Application link: https://mits-gives.org/honor-guard-for-a-g-h-memorial-cemetery-volunteer-application/
- Corporate sponsorship of a Memorial Honor Guard Squad with a team of eight volunteers who dedicate one day a month to providing services.
- A van to transport volunteers to and from service area.
- Uniforms for a squad of eight volunteers or more.
- Wi-Fi service in new building to support remote work option for volunteers.
- Full set of service flags and stands.
- Volunteer and donor recognition luncheon following ribbon-cutting ceremony.
- Advertising placements.
- Shed and gazebo for Phase 2.
- Support to pay the Memorial Honor Guard Commander for one year or more.