The Art and Science of Leadership


The Art and Science of Leadership
Added on July 31, 2023 by Amanda Duncan to Chamber News

The Art and Science of Leadership

“Leadership is a perishable skill and it must be honed and practiced,” said Robert Pizzini, Managing Partner and CEO of iFLY VA Beach Indoor Skydiving during our recent Chamber Leadership Series: The Art and Science of Leadership. Robert shared both the art and science of leadership and taught our members how to construct a leadership foundation to create a personal leadership profile.

Robert revealed that leaders are created from three main components: their personal definition of leadership, deliberate leadership styles, and purposeful power types.  To be a successful leader, he shared that you must start with a foundation, which is your personal definition of leadership. Robert provided several examples of leadership and challenged the room to focus on what leadership means to them to help determine their foundation.

“We will now add bricks to your foundation, and those bricks consist of leadership styles and power types,” Robert expressed. He continued to share that you must look deeply into your personal brand, preferences, and overall approach to determine your leadership styles. This method can also be used to determine your power types. Robert suggests that you research each power type, look at the pros and cons, and then apply the power type to different situations to determine your personalized set.

Another component of leadership shared by Robert during the event is found in maintaining healthy habits to support your foundation. By living a healthy lifestyle, you are preparing your body for optimal results. Robert informed us that adults should get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night as well as drink half their body weight in ounces of water. Nutrition and exercise are also major pieces of the leadership puzzle. Robert shared that when you fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods, you feel better and can lead better. By exercising regularly and elevating your heart rate between 60% and 80% of your recommended maximum, you unlock the mental clarity that comes with physiological activity. All of these healthy habits and others are a key component to the science of leadership.

To learn more about the art and science of leadership, visit and check out his book Elevate Your Leadership.

We want to think Robert for sharing his knowledge of leadership with our audience.

We also share our gratitude to our event sponsors:

Series Presenting Sponsor: Southern Bank
Series Silver Sponsor: Hampton Roads Workforce Council
Host Sponsor: Virginia Wesleyan University

Be sure to visit the Hampton Roads Chamber for upcoming events and more event recaps.