
Turn Your Vision into a Reality
On December 1, we held our final session of our Power of Women series for 2023 which focused on building and executing a strong vision plan. Lois Weinblatt, Executive Coach, Offsite Facilitator, and Founder of True North Visionaries, shared why a vision plan is important and how to create a realistic plan that will turn your vision into a reality.
“A vision is a promise to your future self,” Lois shared, reminding us of the importance of creating a vision and looking at your vision in the long-term.
Our room full of ladies (and a few good men) enjoyed walking through this hands-on vision planning workshop many commenting on how it led them to think differently about their plan. Not only was our entire audience engaged but many even stuck around to continue planning long after the event wrapped.
Below are the four elements of an effective vision shared by Lois that will help you turn your vision into a reality as well.
- It has to get you out of bed
Lois shared that your vision has to be powerful enough to get you up and out of bed on even the hardest days. She recommends that if you are not motivated to achieve your vision, then you need to take a deeper dive and see if itis truly your vision for yourself or a vision someone else has for you.
- You have to believe you can get there
During the session, Lois expressed that your vision must be realistic and achievable. Expanding on that, she shared that if you do not believe you can achieve your vision, then that specific goal should not be in your vision. In short, if you do not believe you can achieve it then you will not.
- It has to be documented
When creating your vision, write it down! Lois stressed the importance of hand writing or typing out your vision. She shared that when it is out of your head and into the world in this way that a new type of realness is created. She also encouraged our attendees to regularly look at their vision and stated, “Your plan will give you confidence and serve as an internal compass.” By reviewing your vision, you will be reminded of your end goals and assess if you are on track for achievement.
- It has to be shared
After your vision is created, Lois encouraged the room to share it with others. She explained that when you share your vision with others, you are reaching a different level of accountability outside of yourself. When those around you know your vision, they are able to help you stay on track to make your vision an achievement.
Do you have a vision and need additional assistance to make it a reality? Click here to learn more about vision planning and the services that Lois has to offer!
Many thanks to everyone who joined us for this insightful event. We would also like to thank the following sponsors for making this event possible:
Series Member Spotlight Sponsor: Bon Secours
Speaker Sponsor: Old Point National Bank
Series Gold Sponsor: Virginia Beach Convention Center
Series Silver Sponsor: Dominion Energy
Series Bronze Sponsors: Bank of America, Wilbanks Smith & Thomas Asset Management, LLC, Virginia Natural Gas